Creating Digital Content with Adobe Suite and Powerpoint

Estimated read time 1 min read

I have recently decided to venture into video editing and video creation. I recently purchased the Adobe Suite of programs to begin a foray into creating entirely digital content that shows my passion for soccer (futbol), more specifically going into the statistics and news surrounding it. My first video is about the top 5 soccer players as of 2020.

I started by creating slides in PowerPoint, each with a dynamic background that had a picture of the player. Each slide had statistics on their appearances, goals, assists, and so forth. I also provided a small description pertaining to the player. I then downloaded the presentation as a video and imported it into Adobe Premiere where I added an opening/ending title, transitions, music, and a clip for each player. I created a dynamic title which presented the words “Top 5 Footballers of 2020” using Adobe After Effects.

With all of these elements put together, I had a video that looked clean and presented everything I wanted, in a short time with proper detail.

Here is the video:

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