What is Google Analytics?

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Google Analytics is a free website analytics application that helps webmasters analyze site traffic. It’s one of many tools provided by Google for website metrics. In short, the platform gives you a complete picture related to your site performance. GA collects a wide range of data and generates insightful reports. You can use those reports to learn more about your website and its visitors. Some basic information collected by GA includes how many visitors your site gets, where those visitors come from, how they navigate through your site, how long they spend on each page, and much more. The list goes on.

By using Google Analytics, you’ll have a better understanding of how effective your website is as a marketing tool. You’ll learn valuable information, such as which digital campaigns are driving the most traffic to your website. Tracking traffic patterns and visitor behavior allows you to measure the effectiveness of your website, combined with your overall digital presence. Where are your website visitors located? Which marketing channels are driving the most traffic to your site? What are the most popular pages on your website? All of these questions, and more, can be answered with Google Analytics.

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